Galerie SOON PopUp Shows in Bern

The gallery SOON is present with PopUp exhibitions in Switzerland, as well as through international participation in artfairs and in new partnerships to make art accessible to a broad public, to mediate and thus professionally promote artists.

If you have a room or an idea for a joint exhibition project, we look forward to receiving your mail to:

PopUp means that the gallery SOON organizes exhibitions and art events at different locations - in changing rooms. This can be as little as 2-3 days in an old factory building, a stable, a church or anywhere else, but also 3-4 weeks in a shop as a temporary use or in a residential building.

In order to offer the Bernese public - our home audience - a little more continuity, we will hold an exhibition twice a year (in August/September and January) for 3 weeks in the gallery rooms at Münstergasse 62. At this address you will also find works exhibited throughout the year in the rooms of our partner "Tailormade/Mäder Wohnkunst".

We also have a new partnership with the innovation and research centre sitem-insel at Freiburgstrasse 10. In this new building with fascinating rooms, we exhibit 3-4 times a year, for about 6 weeks each time, different projects of individual artists*.


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CURRENT POPUP exhibitions in Bern:

Igor Taritaš - by night and day